Dr. Medha S. Rajadhyaksha
Dr. Medha S. Rajadhyaksha has carried out a number of research projects and her present work is supported by Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Department of Atomic Energy (BRNS)and Department of Biotechnology (DBT). She has worked for three months at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA, as a visiting scientist and was awarded a Short Term Associateship by the Department of Science and Technology to carry out research at University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA. She is a recognized guide for Ph.D. in Applied Biology, is actively involved in promoting undergraduate research and was a founder member and co-coordinator of the programme, `Excellence in Science Education’, for undergraduates.

Medha S. Rajadhyaksha
Dr. Medha S. Rajadhyaksha was awarded a Ph.D. in 1985 by the Pune University for work done at Bhabha Atomic Research Center. Thereafter, Dr. Medha S. Rajadhyaksha joined the Life Science Department of Sophia College for Women and was the Vice Principal-Science of its senior college.
Dr. Medha S. Rajadhyaksha was associated with the Biology Olympiad movement and accompanied the Indian Biology Olympiad team to Brussels, Belgium, in 2001 and to Riga, Latvia, in 2002. As a part of a women’s delegation of teachers, she visited Iran to interact with academicians of women’s institutions.
Dr. Medha S. Rajadhyaksha is interested in popularizing science. She has written a number of articles in newspapers and magazines and has authored three books on popularizing neurobiology published by Council of Scientific Industrial Research and National Book Trust, India. She has also co-authored four books on reproductive health and genetics. Three of these books have been translated into regional languages.
Dr. Rajadhyaksha is particularly interested in women’s empowerment. She has helped design and launch a job oriented course for `Health Workers’ at the Women’s Center in Sophia College which trains women who are unable to pursue higher education.
For her sustained involvement in education, research and social sensitivity, Dr. Medha S. Rajadhyaksha has been awarded the State Award for teachers in higher education by the Government of Maharashtra on 5th September 2008.
Dr. Medha S. Rajadhyaksha is presently associated with Books33 as MENTOR AUTHOR.
Medha S. Rajadhyaksha Works:

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