Publishing Services

There is almost a silently concealed rush of excitement as you walk out of a bookstore after purchasing a brand-new book of your choice. The shine of its laminated cover, its crisp pages, its uncracked spine, and its sweet smell – everything is just MESMERIZING for any book lover.

The world of publishing has evolved over several centuries – articulation of written words on a stack of papers bound by thread along the edges in ancient Greece was only a significant start.

The invention of the printing press brought about the real revolution in the publishing ecosystem. In the mid-1400s, Johannes Gutenberg invented the first movable printing machine. This mechanised the process, which earlier involved writing of manuscripts by hand, to produce sharp impressions on paper repeatedly.

The book has seen significant changes in terms of paper, ink type, fonts, spine and binding in the course of its history, but of greater importance is what this has meant for the world.

Publishing Typewriter

Articulating thoughts on paper and then making its copies to be placed in several hands meant a greater bibliographic wave. It was not only newspapers or magazines which went into mass printing and distribution. The publishing world saw a rise of authors and was ushered into ages that would form the premise of modern-day literature and mould its future.

The journey of a book involves many processes – from content creation to manuscript (MS) preparation, MS acquisition, copy editing and proofreading before for production through printing, and then making it accessible to readers through marketing and distribution.

While the publisher remains an under-celebrated warrior, its role is one of the most fascinating and fundamental in the creation of a book. After all, it is the responsibility of the publisher to understand the reader’s need and greed for content and work tirelessly to meet them with a suitable book.

Therefore, WE, the publishers ARE not only a key element in the journey of a book but also the socio-political preservationists of the present time and its happenings.

We Help You Publish Your Books

Such has been the sheen, gleam and shimmer of getting published that our very own GURUDEV, Rabindranath Tagore, a polymath who had started writing verses quite early in his life after leaving his studies incomplete in England in the late 1870s, returned to India and published several books of his poetry in the 1880s. He completed Manasi (1890), a collection that marked the maturing of his genius and paved the way for him to become the first non-European recipient of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913.

On the other hand, we have George Bernard Shaw, the world-famous Irish playwright, critic, polemicist, and political activist, who himself confessed: “I finished my first book seventy-six years ago. I offered it to every publisher on the English-speaking earth I had ever heard of. Their refusals were unanimous: and it did not get into print until, fifty years later; publishers would publish anything that had my name on it.”

It is never too EARLY, and it is never too LATE!

We, at Books33, are WAITING to PUBLISH the first book of the

NEXT Rabindranath Tagore and the NEXT George Bernard Shaw!

Reach out to us if you FEEL you are the ONE.

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We provide a unique platform to all AUTHORS – from aspirants to award winners, from debutantes to celebutantes, from academicians to novelists, poets, playwrights, screenwriters, bloggers, and vloggers.

With the guidance of our disciplined, dedicated, dexterous, creative, and innovative MENTOR AUTHORS, we assist you to write in sync with the writing techniques required for different book genres.