The Art Of Saying No By Damon Zahariades
Genre: Self-help
‘Don’t be a people’s pleaser.’ This is the first teaching of the book.
Like this the book goes on with the teachings of life which will turn you into a changed personality or a better one.
Damon has provided each chapter with examples of his own life and lives of people around him, especially those who are the ‘people’s pleaser’ and have difficulty in saying NO!
The book is an important read for today’s generation who needs other’s advices to form their own point of view. Prioritizing needs, psychology of assertiveness, assertiveness vs aggressiveness, saying no with grace, reasons we struggle to say no are the prime highlights of this book that will help in understanding yourself and others too.

The anecdotal style adopted by Damon helps the reader to connect more accurately. The best thing about the book is that it provides solution to the problem and the quizzes which will test your neurons in better way.
The book will provide you strategies on how to say ‘NO’ so if you are a people’s pleaser don’t say ‘no’ to this book.