Author, academician, avid research scholar and trainer, Dr. Monica Khanna believes in administering a daily dose of Vitamin R (Reading) for children in a world where gadgets seem to reign supreme. She firmly believes that just as we ensure a balanced and nutritious diet for a healthy body, we also need to ensure a healthy mind which is essential for the social and emotional development of our children. ‘Vitamin R’ transports children into another universe inhabited by characters who unknowingly sow the seeds of empathy and compassion, enabling them to become better human beings. Moreover, it also enhances their imagination, improves their vocabulary, provides knowledge on a vast array of topics ranging from history to geography to economics and sociology, and allows them to see the world through different lenses.
Dr. Monica Khanna has published eleven books, including scholarly books on gender studies, books on grammar and composition, books of short stories and picture books for children. She works as Associate Professor at Indira Institute of Business Management and is also a Resource Person for Eupheus Learning. She writes a weekly column for a Navi Mumbai based newspaper, Newsband.