Special On Father's Day Celebration in India It is not without a reason that India is called a land of festivals and celebrations. Almost, each…
books33June 19, 2021

A Daily Dose of Vitamin R (Reading); Keeps the Stress Away By Dr Monica Khanna The importance of a balanced diet is ingrained in us…
books33June 15, 2021

Your Friend, the Journal “How can I know what I think until I see what I say” - W. H. Auden https://unsplash.com/photos/jw3xbuelpKM Journals have accompanied…
books33June 14, 2021

To Hear is to See (A version of this article first appeared in SA Coaching News, Vol.3 Issue 1. January 2021) “Everyone has been made…
books33June 5, 2021

तुमको ना भूल पाऐंगे ……. हसरत जयपुरी !! जन्मशती वर्ष (२०२१- २२) हिंदी और उर्दू ज़ुबान के गीतकार और शायर इक़बाल हुसैन जो हसरत जयपुरी…
books33May 20, 2021

चलो अतीत से उजियारा मांग लाये प्रो. (डॉ.) शालिनी वर्मा 'लाईफोहोलिक' जब भविष्य अस्पष्ट लगे जब पहर-पहर प्रहार करे घड़ी की टिक-टिक प्रलय का सिंघनाद…
books33May 16, 2021