Katie Bagli is an avid nature lover. She is professionally qualified Microbiologist (stood first in Bombay University) She gives expression to her passion by writing for children.
So far, she has published 23 titles to her credit on various subjects of nature. She writes for children’s magazines including the children’s section – Young World, The Hindu.
Katie enjoys doing illustrations for her own books. Her books have been recommended for general reading in schools and also for college students of zoology.

Katie Bagli
Ketie’s contribution in Save Ranibagh Foundation (which campaigned to save the more than 3000 trees) is commendable.
She keeps conducting wildlife workshops and story-telling sessions in schools, colleges (in Mumbai and elsewhere) and other institutions. Katie was awarded the prestigious Rex Karmaveer Global Fellowship Award (instituted by iCongo and the UN) in 2019 for her constant efforts to sensitise the young on the importance of wildlife for the Nature.
She was recently declared winner of two prizes in the Children’s Book Trust Writing Competition for Children’s Writers in two different categories.