Positive Alphabets of Life By Ravinder Kaur
Genre: Self-Help
The book Positive Alphabets of Life is the second book written by author Ravinder Kaur. This is her second book that is a self-help book aimed at bringing about a change in one’s life. The author got the idea of this book while thinking about how a minor change in ABC can bring about a major impact in the life of those individuals who are willing to change or amend their ways.
There was a time when people lead a simple life. At that time, their vocabulary was simple, and so was their meaning. But with time and the advent of technology, the life of every individual has become complex. That has changed their thought process and the way they communicate their thought. In the book “Positive Alphabets of Life” the author has made an effort to change the perspective of people and bring in a new outlook for them to see the world. She has tried to give a new meaning to the alphabets and have urged people to adopt them in their thinking as well as their routine life.

Positive Alphabets of Life
This book is aimed at motivating people to do their best. The book will make them search their inner self for answers to questions. They are encouraged to ask themselves if a positive attitude can help an individual focus on his/her goals. The book Positive Alphabets of Life also helps them ask themselves if a zeal of a person can help in deciding a future course of action. Individuals will also be able to find the guideline to whether their optimism can help them in keeping determined and persistent while reading this book.
This thought-provoking book Positive Alphabets of Life can be a good read for anyone who wishes to motivate themselves. This book is also good for those who want to bring a drastic change in their life to achieve their highest form of self-actualization.

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