Aaji’s Big Surprise is a thought-provoking tale about Aaji, a spirited woman who defies societal norms and surprises her family with a bold, empowering decision.
Inspired by SDG 5: Gender Equality, the story highlights the importance of challenging stereotypes, breaking traditional gender roles, and fostering equal opportunities. Through her courage and determination, Aaji redefines her place within her family and inspires her community to embrace change and recognise the boundless potential of women.
Aligned with Mission LiFE’s focus on inclusivity and empowerment, this heartwarming narrative celebrates the resilience and transformative power of women in shaping a fairer future.
Authors: Pooja Gupta Mahurkar & Shalini Verma
Paperback 36 pages (2023)
Publisher: Books33
Revised Edition: 2025
Language: English
ISBN: 978-81-962213-1-7
Price: 350
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