The Flight of the Pink-headed Ducks and Other Stories By Katie Bagli
Genre: Children Literature
The Flight of the Pink-headed Ducks and Other Stories, written by Katie Bagli and published by Bombay Natural History Society, was released recently. This story book is suitable for children of 8 years and above, even adults. The book has five stories about five highly endangered and rare species of the Indian subcontinent. The animals selected – the Pink-headed Duck, the Snow Leopard, the Red Panda, the Ganges River Dolphin and the Great Indian Bustard, represent the different and diverse ecosystems that they live in.
The stories bring out the love between humans and animals. The protagonists in the story show that a little bit of care can go a long way in reviving these species that have been pushed to the brink of extinction. All the stories end on a happy, positive note.
Every story is appended with some interesting facts.
The seed for this book was actually sown in the author’s mind 25 years ago when she read a book about an enthusiast’s journey along the River Brahmaputra, from Burma (now Myanmar) to Bangladesh, in the quest of the elusive Pink-headed Duck. The author was greatly fascinated by this story and 23 years later, when biologists began talking about our planet’s sixth mass extinction of species, she decided to write stories about the endangered species. The Pink-headed Duck, of course, was on top of the list, but the other four species in her book too were given equal importance. That is how this book was born.
The author hopes the book reaches out to many children and grown-ups too and achieves its goal of bringing about awareness.
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