To the Limit…and Beyond: 13 Inspiring Stories of MBAs
By Dr. Rajshekhar Yelikar
Genre: Management Lessons
The book, To The Limit And …Beyond : 13 Inspiring Stories Of MBAs, by Dr. Rajshekhar Yelikar brings together the success stories of 13 of his students who not only went on to complete MBA from Hirachand Nemchand College of Commerce (HNCC), Solapur, but also carved out respectable careers for themselves in various sectors in the industry. What stands out in each of these stories is the fact that all the persons mentioned in the book who made it big in their career actually had modest upbringing and it is with sheer grit, determination and perseverance that they achieved great heights in their professional lives. The book sends out two very important messages to the readers in that 1) studying in vernacular medium is hardly a deterrent in a person’s career if he has the right attitude to work hard and remain focussed towards his goals and 2) inspiring stories for MBA students who want to make a bright career for themselves. The author deep-dives into the lives of his protagonists to bring forth stories that inspire, motivate and set living examples for youngsters across the country.
The preface of the book is quite interesting in which the author shares how he ended up putting together this interesting book. It was during lockdown that he started connecting with his students and in the course of hearing their stories post qualifying in the MBA course, Dr. Rajshekhar Yelikar came up with the idea of compiling this book with success stories of 13 of his wonderful students to inspire the students of vernacular medium as well as those who are students of MBA. He has chosen HNCC, Solapur as the premise of his narrative.
Dr. Rajshekhar Yelikar is an educator, mentor, and a motivational speaker in the genres of finance and management. He has held the respectable position of being the Director at Sinhgad Business school, as finance and accounts officer (F.A.O.) at Solapur University; and as Chairman, Board of Studies in Business Management at Shivaji University, Kolhapur.Prior to this, he was also the Head of the Department for MBA at HNCC, Solapur for almost 25 years.

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