
In an age dominated by digital distractions and fleeting social media interactions, the timeless habit of reading offers a profound refuge. Not only does reading provide an escape into different worlds and ideas, but it also exercises both the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Engaging with books can enhance creativity, improve logical reasoning, and offer a myriad of cognitive and emotional benefits. This article explores seven key advantages of reading, supported by various scenarios illustrating how both creative and logical brain functions are stimulated through this enriching activity.

Right Brain Perspective vs. Left Brain Perspective

The right hemisphere of the brain is often associated with creativity, imagination, and holistic thinking. It is the side that allows individuals to appreciate art, understand emotions, and engage in activities that require innovative and abstract thinking. On the other hand, the left hemisphere is linked to logical reasoning, analytical thinking, and detailed processing. It is responsible for language skills, mathematical computations, and systematic problem-solving. Reading, as an activity, has the unique ability to engage both sides of the brain, providing a comprehensive mental workout that enhances both creative and logical abilities.

Below given are the 7 Benefits of Reading to Keep Both the Right and Left Side of Your Brain Constructively Occupied

  1. Enhanced Vocabulary and Communication Skills: Reading regularly introduces new words in context, making it easier to learn and incorporate them into daily conversations. This exposure helps articulate thoughts more clearly and effectively, which is beneficial in both personal and professional settings.
  • Right Brain Perspective Scenario: Divakar, a graphic designer, found that reading fantasy novels enriched his descriptive vocabulary. This enhanced his ability to create vivid, imaginative designs and communicate his ideas more effectively to clients.
  • Left Brain Perspective Scenario: Ruchir, a young lawyer, improved his legal writing and argumentation skills by reading classic literature and legal journals. The complex sentence structures and rich vocabulary helped him articulate his points with greater precision and clarity in court.
  1. Improved Concentration and Focus: Cultivating a reading habit trains the mind to focus and enhances concentration. Engaging with a book requires active attention, which can help improve overall focus and productivity in various aspects of life.
  • Right Brain Perspective Scenario: Shikha, an artist, noticed that her ability to focus on intricate details in her paintings improved after she began reading biographies of famous artists. The narratives helped her concentrate for longer periods on her creative work.
  • Left Brain Perspective Scenario: Kunal, an accountant, found that reading technical manuals and non-fiction books enhanced his ability to focus on complex calculations and financial analyses, increasing his productivity and accuracy at work.
  1. Increased Creativity and Imagination: Reading stimulates the brain’s right side, fostering creativity and imagination. It allows individuals to visualize scenarios, empathize with characters, and explore new ideas, enhancing problem-solving skills and innovative thinking.
  • Right Brain Perspective Scenario: Vishal, a filmmaker, drew inspiration for his movies from science fiction and fantasy books. The imaginative worlds and unique characters sparked new ideas and storytelling techniques for his films.
  • Left Brain Perspective Scenario: Sarah, a software developer, used her improved imagination from reading detective novels to think outside the box when debugging code. This creative problem-solving approach led to more efficient and innovative solutions.
  1. Cognitive Health and Longevity: Lifelong reading and continuous learning are linked to a reduced risk of cognitive decline, including conditions like Alzheimer’s disease. Regular mental engagement through reading keeps the brain sharp and can contribute to a longer, healthier life.
  • Right Brain Perspective Scenario: Margaret, a retired teacher, maintained her cognitive sharpness by reading poetry and participating in book clubs. The metaphorical language and discussions kept her mentally agile and socially engaged.
  • Left Brain Perspective Scenario: Shiv Kumar, a retired engineer, read scientific journals and technical books to keep his mind active. This continuous learning helped delay cognitive decline and kept his problem-solving skills sharp.
  1. Stress Reduction and Mental Well-being: Reading has therapeutic effects, helping to alleviate stress and promote relaxation. Studies show that reading for at least 30 minutes daily can reduce stress levels significantly, similar to the effects of laughter.
  • Right Brain Perspective Scenario: Latika, a high-stress executive, found solace in reading romance novels before bed. The emotional and imaginative engagement provided a relaxing escape, reducing her overall stress levels.
  • Left Brain Perspective Scenario: Karunesh, a financial analyst, turned to reading historical fiction to unwind. The structured plots and historical contexts helped him mentally detach from work-related stress, promoting better sleep and mental health.
  1. Social Empathy and Connection: Reading, especially fiction, enhances social empathy by allowing readers to understand different perspectives and emotions. This can lead to better interpersonal relationships and a deeper connection with others, making individuals more interesting and engaging in social settings.
  • Right Brain Perspective Scenario: Aiza, a social worker, read contemporary fiction to better understand her clients’ diverse experiences. This enhanced her empathy and ability to connect with people from different backgrounds.
  • Left Brain Perspective Scenario: Tushar, a business consultant, improved his interpersonal skills by reading non-fiction books on psychology and human behavior. This knowledge helped him build stronger relationships with clients and colleagues.
  1. Knowledge Acquisition and Intellectual Growth: Books are a rich source of knowledge on various subjects. Regular reading expands one’s understanding of the world, boosts intellectual growth, and provides a wealth of information that can be applied in everyday life and professional scenarios.
  • Right Brain Perspective Scenario: Priti, a chef, expanded her culinary repertoire by reading cookbooks from various cultures. The creative recipes and techniques inspired her to innovate and introduce new dishes at her restaurant.
  • Left Brain Perspective Scenario: Ethan, a research scientist, stayed updated with the latest advancements in his field by reading scientific papers and journals. This continuous knowledge acquisition fueled his intellectual growth and professional success.

Reading is more than just a pastime; it is a powerful tool that nurtures both the creative and logical aspects of the brain. Whether through enhancing vocabulary, improving focus, fostering creativity, promoting cognitive health, reducing stress, building empathy, or acquiring knowledge, the benefits of reading are vast and varied.

By dedicating time each day to reading, individuals can cultivate a well-rounded, intellectually stimulating, and emotionally fulfilling life. In an era where digital distractions are rampant, the timeless habit of reading stands as a beacon of holistic mental enrichment.

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A multifaceted person – a sociologist, an entrepreneur, a management consultant, a management faculty and a very involved MOTHER.

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    By choosing Aadya Green Gifting, you become a part of our mission to create a more sustainable future. Together, we can make a positive impact on the environment. As a conscious consumer, your choices matter, and we are here to support you in your contribution towards sustainable development and green living.

      In a world bustling with distractions, there is something truly magical about disconnecting from the chaos and immersing oneself in the serenity of nature to explore the depths of creative expression. Aadya Green Gifting is glad to introduce the ultimate green gift – Residential Writing Retreats – a once in a lifetime kind of opportunity to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, inspiration, and co-consciousness. There cannot be any gift more precious than this to gift to yourself and your loved ones.

      •  Embrace the Power of Words: Amidst Nature's Embrace, at the heart of our Residential Writing Retreats is the profound connection between creativity and nature. Surrounded by lush landscapes and untouched beauty, participants find solace and inspiration in the great outdoors. The setting becomes the canvas for untold stories, unexplored emotions, and boundless imagination.
      • A Sustainable Sanctuary for Artistic Souls: Our Residential Writing Retreats are meticulously crafted to align with our commitment to sustainability. We choose eco-friendly venues that leave a minimal ecological footprint, providing an immersive experience that respects and protects the environment. From sustainable practices to locally sourced cuisine, every aspect of our retreats reflects our dedication to preserving the beauty of our planet.
      • Connection to Nature: Many creative writing courses incorporate nature and the environment as themes or sources of inspiration. This connection to nature can lead to a deeper appreciation for the natural world and a desire to protect it.
      • Nurturing Creativity: One word at a time led by experienced facilitators, our Residential Writing Retreats offer a nurturing environment where creativity flourishes. Through guided writing sessions, mindfulness exercises, and creative workshops, participants embark on a profound inward journey, discovering the power of their words in the midst of nature's embrace.
      • A Gift Beyond Material Possessions: In a world dominated by material possessions, our Residential Writing Retreats stand apart as a truly thoughtful and meaningful gift. It transcends the boundaries of the material realm, leaving an indelible impression on the heart and soul of the recipient. It is an experience cherished forever - a gift that keeps on giving.


      Our Writing Workshops:

      Srijanpath 1

      Gift our Creative Writing Courses and Publishing Services to yourself or your loved ones. It is one of our most sought-after green gifts as it offers a range of benefits that not only promotes personal growth, creativity and sustainability but personal brand.

      •  Minimal Environmental Impact: Creative Writing Courses and Publishing Services are offered in both - digital online webinar based as well as on-sight workshops, which significantly reduce paper waste and other resources associated with traditional publishing methods thereby minimizing the environmental impact.
      • Fosters Creativity and Expression: These gifts provide an opportunity to your loved ones to explore their creative potential and express themselves through writing. Encouraging creativity is not only personally fulfilling but also contributes to a more imaginative and innovative society.
      • Lifelong Learning: Gifting Writing Courses promotes a culture of continuous learning and intellectual curiosity. Participants can continue to engage with the materials and apply what they've learned long after the course has ended.
      • Sustainable Publishing: For aspiring authors, our publishing Services provide a more sustainable approach to sharing their work with the world. Our hybrid publishing formats reduce the need for physical copies, which can lead to excess paper and emissions associated with distribution.
      • Encourages Storytelling for Change: Creative writing can be a powerful tool for addressing social and environmental issues. By encouraging storytelling for change, these gifts inspire authors to use their craft to raise awareness about sustainability, climate change, and other important topics.
      • Supports Aspiring Authors: Gifting Publishing Services can be a significant boost for aspiring authors who may not have access to traditional publishing avenues. By providing the opportunity for their work to reach a wider audience, you support and encourage their creative endeavors.
      • Meaningful and Thoughtful Gift: Offering Creative Writing Courses and Publishing Services as gifts demonstrates your thoughtfulness and consideration for your loved ones’ interests and passions. It shows that you value their creativity and growth as an individual.
        By choosing to gift Creative Writing Courses and Publishing Services, you contribute to a more sustainable, creative, and environmentally conscious gift-giving culture. These gifts empower individuals to express themselves, promote lifelong learning, and encourage positive change through the power of storytelling.

      Books: They say books are windows to new worlds, and what better gift to give than the gift of knowledge? Instead of material possessions that may lose their charm, books stand the test of time, imparting wisdom, and sparking imagination with every turn of a page. By gifting our thoughtful and value creating collection of books, you open doors for your loved ones to an unexplored realm, boosting their learning agility, and promote a sustainable reading culture.
      With our 2 imprints – Alpha Zone & Books33, we cater to the specific needs of our two distinct reader segments – children and adults.
      Alpha Zone:
      Books Alpha Zone
      Alpha Zone is dedicated to our very loving and pampered alpha generation – kids born between 2010-2024 – also known as ‘glass generation’. It offers a wide range of colourful story books based on the themes of life skills, healthy habits and sustainable development. These highly engaging colourful books stand out from the pack with their eye-catching illustrations and ample ‘learn with fun’ activities. Our Alpha Zone books are written by award-winning authors of children literature and super-talented doting young moms from across India and other foreign countries.

      Books Books33

      offers a wide range of fictional as well as non-fictional academic books in the domains of school education - primary, secondary and senior secondary and higher education – management, engineering and humanities. Our books are written by eminent authors and academicians from across India and other foreign countries.
      Choose from a wide range of topics, from eco-conscious living and environmental conservation to sustainable business practices and personal growth. With each book, you plant the seed of knowledge, nurturing a more informed and aware individual. Giving books as a green gift comes with a multitude of benefits, both for the recipient and the environment.

      1. Sustainability (clickable, relevant picture to be provided):

      • We are committed to promoting sustainable practices and products that have a positive impact on the environment.
      • Our gifts are sourced responsibly, minimizing waste and supporting ethical suppliers.

      2. Quality (clickable relevant picture to be provided):

      • Providing high-quality, innovative, and eco-conscious products and experiences that exceed our customers' expectations are our top-most priority.

      3. Education (clickable relevant picture to be provided):

      •  We value knowledge and, in our endeavours, to empower individuals with the information and skills they need to make informed decisions about sustainability, we liaison with think tank authors across board to write for us.

      4. Customer-Centric (clickable relevant picture to be provided):

      •  Our customers are at the heart of everything we do.
      • We strive to provide exceptional service and create meaningful connections with our community.

      5. Creativity and Innovation (clickable relevant picture to be provided):

      • We celebrate creativity and innovation for designing things to deal with ‘wicked’ environmental issues.
      • We Embrace design thinking and creative problem solving as a powerful tool to develop products and services that inspire change and raise awareness about environmental issues infuses a sense of responsible ‘do ability’ to make our planet a better World.

      6. Transparency (clickable relevant picture to be provided):

      • We are open and honest in our business practices, ensuring transparency in our sourcing, manufacturing, and communication.

      7. Environmental Stewardship (clickable relevant picture to be provided):

      • We take our role as environmental stewards seriously and actively support initiatives that contribute to environmental conservation and protection.

      8. Continuous Progress (clickable relevant picture to be provided):

      • We are committed to continuous learning and improvement, regularly seeking ways to enhance our products, services, and sustainable practices.

      9. Community Impact (clickable relevant picture to be provided):

      • We strive to create a positive impact on the communities we serve, supporting local artisans and initiatives that promote sustainable development.
      • 10. Inclusivity (clickable relevant picture to be provided):
        We embrace diversity and inclusivity, welcoming individuals from all walks of life to be a part of the Green Gifting community.
      • To offer a thoughtfully curated collection of eco-friendly products for gifting
      • To offer a lifelong experiences and courses and as gifts for all reasons and seasons
      • To raise awareness on sustainable living through our innovative gifting ideas
      • To contribute to environmental conservation initiatives through our green gifting platform
      • To be the leading global platform for sustainable and eco-friendly gifting solutions
      • To inspire a greener, healthier, happier and more conscious world through our sustainable gifting solutions
      • To empower individuals in making environmentally responsible choices for giving gifts
      • To foster a culture of conscious consumerism through our eco-friendly gifts

      “Pooja’s book ‘I See Tigers’ of the GEM series takes the readers into the delightful world of Gompa village. As we delve into the world of Gompa village, we are reminded of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 4) of Quality Education. The story exemplifies how quality education is not confined to textbooks and formal settings alone but extends to the exploration of the world around us, nurturing curiosity and celebrating our own rich heritage.”

      “In her book ‘Is the Sun in My Bed?’, Katie has highlighted the importance of using renewable sources of energy and has discussed several forms including solar, wind and water. Her inclusion of how the story’s protagonist Ricky pedals a stationary bicycle to generate electricity illustrates how each of us can contribute to this effort.”

      “Nature is as complex – perhaps more – than we humans are. In this complexity, however, simple solutions can be found. And Books33 has done just that with its GEM Series – a collection of 17 titles. Katie Bagli’s charming story ‘Urvi and the Termite’, takes us inside the underground world into the depths of unseen spaces in the ‘Alice-in-Wonderland’ style.  In building their homes, the termites work in harmony with the environment instead of damaging it. This is something that human beings certainly need to do as well.”

      “In the enchanting world of children's literature, let's embark on a remarkable journey alongside Katie’s book ‘Weber the Spider’. Through the pages of this captivating tale, you will witness the extraordinary odyssey of Weber as he travels from the majestic heights of the Himalayas to the sprawling plains and arid deserts of India.”

      “Explore 'Who Wants Roses': A captivating tale from the 'Grandma Earth Series', co-published by Books33 & SAMVAW Foundation. The message is conveyed in a very positive manner in Mahurkar's short story, 'Who Wants Roses?' where she uses the imagery of roses and lantana weed flowers in a garden. Through its unique storytelling pedagogy, the book sensitizes young minds aged 3-8 years to adopt sustainable living by embracing the principles of Mission LiFE & UN’s 17 SDGs”.

      “My compliments to the publishers of ‘The Grandma Earth Mission Series’ and author, Ms. Pooja Gupta Mahaurkar, for the beautiful story – ‘Aaji’s Big Surprise’. Although it is supposed to be for children, there is a universal message for adults as well”.

      “The story of Bhoomi, Bansi and Anil holds hope and speaks of individual and collective acts of kindness, speaking up for each other and allowing power structures to topple for the greater human good. The book ‘Bhoomi Vishnu’s Amma’ of ther GEM series jointly published by Books33 & Samvaw Foundation celebrates empathy and cooperation and allows entries into worlds of lack and illness”.

      “In the vibrant world of the Sustainability Development Goals series, children embark on thrilling adventures across 17 captivating books, each dedicated to a different sustainable development goal. By coming up with these storybooks, Books22 has enabled young readers to learn valuable lessons about the power of compassion and teamwork. Each book unravels a new goal, inspiring young minds to make a difference and safeguard our precious Earth for future generations”.

      “It is a unique series for it weaves the stories around important social issues such as inequality and quality education. Further, it orients children about Indian culture and ethos. What makes this series a must read is its simple and engaging manner through which heavy topics have been conveyed to little ones via discussion between children and Chumchumwalla. The authors are to be appreciated for maintaining the continuum in a very engaging manner”.

      “In an ever-changing world that is facing unprecedented challenges, we as parents are holding the responsibility to empower our children with important tools. Those that can help them create for themselves a wholesome, healthy and thriving world which they can live happily in. Towards this end, the exposure of kids to the Mission LiFE & UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals is of paramount importance. Katie and Pooja's simple yet profoundly meaningful children's stories help introduce sensitivity to these goals. I laud their initiative and recommend this as a MUST read for all children and parents”!

      “I read what the publisher and author stood for and without flipping through the pages, I blindly invested in this book set for my daughter. It offered a simple message in such a subtle way that it almost seemed an eye opener and it touched both daughter and Maas’ heart. Katie and Pooja say the simplest things we don’t think about in this ever-evolving world. It offers a message to slow down and acknowledge the goodness of what has been, what is and always will remain when we understand the true experience of being human”.

      “Children are always the forerunners in bringing significant change in the society. Stories are one of the most efficient methods of communication to convey messages, especially among children. Mrs Pooja brilliantly narrates this folktale, emphasising the importance of eradicating hunger. Every kid who reads this story can, one way or another, connect with all the characters very well. Each of her characters comes to life for all our young readers.”

      Stories are the best way to come closer to children and Dr Monica Khanna is doing fabulous work in that sense. It’s always mesmerizing to read the stories she creates. Not only the kids, but even parents enjoy every bit of them.

      “As climate change sets in, it is necessary to spread awareness among children about how nature works. GEM Series adopts storytelling, which is the best way to do so. Boondini’s life is a story of all rivers and their trajectories. Katie Bagli, an award winning children`s book writer, is an amazing storyteller who brings alive complex environmental issues and their solutions very simply.”

      “What a wonderful idea it is to embark on a venture of creating 17 different stories, each story book crafted to be based on one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the United Nations! This brilliant endeavour by the publishers - Books33 and SAMVAW Foundation - to implant the seeds of sustainable living in young, tender minds”.

      “The books of the GEM Series offer a wide-open, clear, child-friendly style and are suitable for kindergarten/school areas as an introduction to a contemporary topic as well as for educational reading aloud in the family”.

      “The whole series of GRANDMA EARTH MISSION is fluid, simple and engages young readers’ mind in Aadya’s and her friends’ inquisitive interactions with Chumchumwalla while subtly conveying the importance of preserving our eco-system, values and community living.”.

      “Pooja Gupta Mahurkar has written a moving story that beautifully weaves a child's curiosity and a parent's love with themes around indigenous innovation, sustainability and closeness to nature. With lively characters and vivid descriptions of village life, the story in ‘Chinna’s Gharat’ of GEM Series comes alive in the reader's mind.”

      “The initiative by Books33 to write children’s stories around the SDG goals of the United Nations is indeed commendable, and ‘Crocky’s Monstrous Mouth’ does a remarkable job of covering the goal of partnerships through its simple yet enthralling narrative told in a lucid and amusing style. Katie Bagli adds yet another exquisite gem to her enchanting collection of nature stories for children through this delightful tale of a crocodile and ‘dentist’ birds.”

      “India will be radiant when our children are free to dance in the rain,” these words from one of Azim Premji’s essays came to my mind when I started reading ‘Holiday at Mehek Farm’ one of the 17 books of the GEM Series authored by Katie Bagli. The story of this book has enchanting panoramic setting and lively characters like Vihaan and Rahul along with Pilloo - their four-legged friend.”

      “I found the story ‘Isn’t this our Forest Ma?’ of the GEM Series, written by Katie Bagli both very moving and realistic. To write stories woven around the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals for the very young is an excellent idea as it very subtly directs the child towards a sustainable way of living and caring for our bountiful planet earth. ‘Isn’t this our Forest Ma?’ is very skilfully woven around the fabric of UN SDG 16 which is about Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions”

      “Welcome to a journey of ‘Lizzy in a Tizzy’, one of the 17 titles of the GEM Series.  Here the author Katie Bagli takes you on an exciting adventure through the world of Sustainable Development Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production. In the pages of this lovely story, you will discover the power you as children, hold to make our planet safe and sustainable.”

      “In GEM Series, there are 17 storybooks on various themes for children, such as courage, patience, confidence and so on. What sets Pooja’s book – ‘Mango and the Teak’ apart is that it teaches young minds the essential element of equality. The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 10) of equality has remained a topic of concern. However, this is a beautiful attempt when the importance of equality is being conveyed to children through a story with a historical background. The author deserves accolades for her attempt”.

      “Welcome to the enchanting world of storytelling, where words have the power to transport us to far-off lands, introduce us to fascinating characters, and ignite our imaginations. While reading Katie’s book ‘The Roof That Flew’, you will embark on a special journey—one that not only entertains but also enlightens and empowers us to make a difference in our world.”

      “India will be radiant when our children are free to dance in the rain,” these words from one of Azim Premji’s essays came to my mind when I started reading ‘Holiday at Mehek Farm’ one of the 17 books of the GEM Series authored by Katie Bagli. The story of this book has enchanting panoramic setting and lively characters like Vihaan and Rahul along with Pilloo - their four-legged friend.”

      “The moral of each story in GEM series is very pertinent and deeply rooted in our all-inclusive culture and the theme of India's G20 presidency “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”, that translates to “One Earth, One Family, One Future.” Indeed, a fun read for one and all!”

      Little Chimpu’s adventure through the jungle wherein she discovers the truth about ferocious Sher Dadu, is a beautiful story about finding friends in the most unlikely of people.

      This picture book is such a delight to read. The book is beautifully illustrated with a good story line and strong vocabulary. I liked in this book is using the relations like ‘chachu’, ‘mamu’ and others which the kids are missing due to nuclear family... I must say the author has touched the chord of the heart with the sweet language used in the book..It’s a must read book for all the young kids.

      A Wormy Tale is a delightful picture story book that offers the curious mind of a child the perfect blend of fun and relatable characters, vibrant illustrations and significant learnings that seep in with simplicity and are finally sealed with the array of activities it offers. This is a book with a wholesome experience, so read on!

      This lovely book teaches you to think smart and not get carried away by appearances. Best wishes to Dr Monica Khanna for her amazing creation.

      Dr. Monica Khanna has come out with one more offering for you all. Such a wonderful and endearing story! It takes us to that time of our lives when we believed that everything around us is black or white. Childhood is so much fun and so full of innocence. The characters in this story are so believable, with human-like qualities. Kind, gentle, witty, intelligent, sharp, sly and so on... Each young reader will enjoy reading this story because it is so relatable. You can find people with such qualities all around you.

      The well-crafted, colourful illustrations of the enthusiastic musicians among insects – grasshoppers, katydids and hawkmoths, the frogs with their crafty expressions and the thoughtful busy bee, make it a lively read. Woven into the story are the fun facts of each insect, making it educative and inspiring too, thus inculcating the love of nature to early readers.

      Katie Bagli’s new book promises to bring back the concert we have missed ever since the pandemic hit us. She beautifully weaves science and fiction, urging her young readers to learn about the techniques used by the wetland musicians - the grasshoppers, the katydids and the hawkmoths. Then there are the subtle values and undertones that make for great learning for children the vacation in nature, the loving aunt, the dutiful bee, or even the love for the garden insects.

      Katie Bagli’s stories are filled with wild imagination yet grounded in facts.She brings to life the mundane and often overlooked facts with wit and humour, in her stories, as also in ‘The Insect Concert’. Her characters are driven by a moral so subtle that children may hardly realize the important life values they are imbibing just by reading her books. Her stories are lessons in science and art as each panel bursts into vivacious colours and tickles the imagination of the young reader. Truly delightful and a must read for all.

      This book ‘Insect Concert’ by Katie Bagli is another gem from her treasure trove of stories about nature. Through a simple yet novel story, she manages to develop an interest in the animal kingdom and also provide a new learning. There are some activities too which children will enjoy. The illustrations add to the storyline and make the book more interesting for the young reader. I wish Katie more power to her pen.

      Sunny Side Up’ is a book of joy for every child. With colourful illustrations and child friendly language this book opens up a world of different kinds of food to the young minds.

      An instant hit - With colorful illustrations and an engaging narrative, this playful nature book is perfect for curious toddlers. A Wormy engaging, simple yet extraordinary new story from Katie Bagli, number one bestseller and fastest growing children’s author in the country

      Through this story, A Wormy Tale, the author Katie Bagli highlights earthworms as a part of the ecosystem. Educators can use this story for crossdisciplinary and interdisciplinary thinking within the national curriculum. Katie’s love for nature is evident in all her books.

      To be hired in today’s global marketplace, employers demand more than basic ‘hard’ skills. The difference between a frustrated candidate and a sought-after recruit, the long-term worker and a compelling leader, or the stagnant professional and the rising manager can be the ‘soft’ skills each exercises in the workplace. This highly researched book analyses the job environment of today and for the future where ‘soft’ skills become a more critical attribute. The reader gleans valuable guidance on how to acquire and improve these ‘soft’ skills for a more enriching career.

      Alpha Zone book – ‘Sunny Side Up’ - shows the variety of food that is present round the world. All of us know the common pizza or burger but there are many delicious dishes out there that many have not experienced. This book encourages us to be curious and to learn, enjoy and experience the art of the culinary skill.

      I’ve absolutely no hesitation in saying that even after working for 30+ years in Manufacturing and Education sectors, I was not able to correlate nonverbal communication skills of a person with his personality and credibility. But after getting in touch with Prof (Dr) Shalini Verma and going through her first book, ‘BODY LANGUAGE: YOUR SUCCESS MANTRA, (2005)’ I immediately fell in love with this beautiful subject and understood that body language is an important personality trait of any person. I am delighted to know that Dr Verma is bringing out a multi-title series of that inspiring book after 15 years, which is surely going to be another ‘hit’ and beneficial for the readers, especially the Gen Z youth, who gravely need the maturity to understand and cope with complex personal & professional relationships to move forward in life.

      Children’s literature largely trivialises and glosses over such issues such as gender or colour biases. But this book deals with the sensitive issue of our proclivity or preference for fair skin colour. In the context of the Indian subcontinent, such debates and discussions should be encouraged so that children grow up with a healthy self-image and grow up with the right attitudes that skin colour is secondary to inner beauty. Dr Monica’s sensitive handling of this subject deserves to be applauded. Kudos!

      This book talks about the fact that beauty has no standards - it’s the way one looks at one own self. I am sure this book will surely attract young readers. I wish all the best for the book.

      Kudos to Books33 for coming up with a separate segment of Children Books under its imprint Alpha Zone. Your initiative will definitely make parents and teachers understand the importance of inculcating reading habits in your kids right from their young age. I appreciate Dr Monica Khanna for her bookSunny Side Up’ and love its ‘kahani mein twist’ which made it all the more exciting.

      A lovely rhyming style and delightful words make this book effortlessly readable. Dr Khanna addresses a vital issue of our times in this allegorical tale of female crow.

      One may speak good English, bad English, good Hindi, bad Hindi, a mix of Hindi-English or 'Hinglish', Spanglish, Pig-Latin, Gibberish, Mumbling or Double-speak, the sub-text that one's body speaks is just ONE -- CREDIBLE or NOT CREDIBLE! Be aware of your body language. You can lie in your words, but the body never lies. We communicate through our Body all the time, even when we don't realize it. However, there are very few expertswho can deeply understand, analyse and decode Body Language. Dr Shalini Verma is one of them.

      Kyra’s Return Flight conveys through a delightful story the very important message that there is great joy and power in accepting ourselves as we are,and not falling prey to harmful social prejudices about what is attractive or good. I greatly recommend this wonderful book about loving oneself!

      ‘Sunny Side Up’ authored by Dr Monica Khanna is a slice of delight with just the right bite.

      ‘Sunny Side Up’ is a delightfully wicked book! A complete treat for kids of all shapes, sizes and taste; those who fuss around their meals and those who devour their food. A visual treat for the eyes that moistened my curiosity palate, as I turned each page to follow Sunny’s exciting culinary adventures. An astonishing finale, that enhanced some beautiful childhood memories.

      Katie Bagli has two interests, nature and children. She has two talents, writing and drawing. As a story teller, she engages children with her colourful puppets and other visual aids, bringing to life the characters in her books.

      Dr Monica Khanna’s new book ‘Kyra’s Return Flight’ dwells deeper into the age-old societal challenges of colour differentiation amongst humans. Through a simple life story of a crow, she brings to the front the problem that we have of self-pity and self-doubt that dark coloured people face through the generations. As a school principal, I definitely recommend Monica’s books in all school libraries and encourage parents to share a copy with their kids.

      My compliments to the author for developing rich and novel content in an area that still lies underexplored. With so little information available on body language in the Indian context, I can imagine how much hard work
      would have gone into creating a book like this. This book is beautifully crafted in terms of quality content and relevance in the current context.

      Former General Manager from State Bank of India

      An Electrical Engineer and a first-generation entrepreneur with PhD in Management

      Has been working in the corporate world for the last 10 years

      A 17-year-old bright student of 11th standard at Dibrugarh, Assam

      A student of IBDP program (at DYPIS) in Mumbai, India

      Analyst at Deloitte USI

      A 15-year-old student of class 10 at Apeejay School - Panchsheel Park, New Delhi

      A 15-year-old student of class 10 at St. Mary’s ICSE School, Navi Mumbai.

      An M.A. in English Literature from Tezpur University, Assam

      A NIFT graduate and a professional Jewellery Designer

      An educator by the day and a poet by night

      A professional Microbiologist and an avid nature lover

      Currently pursuing BDS & aspires to become a successful writer

      A Communication Professor & Authorpreneur

      English Language and Personality Development skills Trainer

      Aspires to make career and writing and become a successful writer

      Winner of ‘Mrs Karnataka’ and ‘Inner Beauty’ titles

      A 13-year old 8th grader studying in Mangaluru, Karnataka

      Student of English Honours at Calcutta University, West Bengal

      A student of airport handling at YMCA, Delhi.

      An engineer by profession and a writer by passion

      Author & co-author of multiple books and anthologies

      A nine-year-old student of Silver Oaks International School, Hyderabad

      A Grade-III student of Silver Oaks International School, Hyderabad

      She adorns the hat of a multitasker - an educationist, an artist, a poet, a photographer, an author, a homemaker, a wife and above all a MOTHER

      3rd grader studying in Silver Oaks International School, Hyderabad

      A writer by passion and a Physicist by profession

      Sr. ERO (Sr. Employee Relations Officer) at Indian Oil Corporation Limited

      Associate Professor at Indira Institute of Business Management

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