Holiday at Mehek Farm is an inspiring tale of Vihaan, a young boy whose journey from Mumbai’s towering skyscrapers to the serene greenery of Mehek Farm in Sawantwadi transforms his outlook on life.
Rooted in SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being, the story highlights the importance of reconnecting with nature, embracing simplicity, and fostering mental and physical wellness. At the farm, Vihaan discovers the therapeutic benefits of greenery and the joy of sustainable living.
Aligned with Mission LiFE’s focus on well-being and sustainable habitats, this heartwarming narrative inspires readers to cherish the connection between nature, health, and happiness.
Authors: Katie Bagli & Shalini Verma
Paperback 36 pages (2023)
Publisher: Books33
Revised Edition: 2025
Language: English
ISBN: 978-81-962213-5-5
Price: 350
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