“What if this happened to me?” I thought during a commercial break. Some part of me really wanted “this” to happen to me. I had…
books33September 12, 2020

A parent’s advice when listened to is a silly rambling. But when the same words are heard, a pinching truth. While a boy of 15…
books33September 10, 2020

Arthur returned home in April from Delhi, where he was pursuing his Masters’ in Journalism from the Delhi University. He had stayed at a quarantine…
books33September 3, 2020

Life is a journey meant to be won, and that win is meant to be savoured – that is a thought on which each boy…
books33September 2, 2020

सभी बच्चों के साथ स्कूल की तरफ से छठी क्लास में दिल्ली क्राफ्ट म्यूज़ियम जाने का मौका मिला था. वहाँ पहली बार बड़े से मुखौटे…
books33September 2, 2020

सतेंद्र बनर्जी अपने युवावस्था में एक बार विवेकानद के पास गए और उन्होंने जब उनके सामने गीता के ज्ञान को लेकर जिज्ञासा रखी और गीता…
books33August 29, 2020

आज खाना बनने में ज्यादा देर हो गई थी, स्वतन्त्रता दिवस था और पूरे दिन का घूमने-फिरने का प्लान था। खाना हो जाने के बाद…
books33August 29, 2020

Today, as India celebrates its NATIONAL SPORTS DAY, the lesser known fact is that it is in fact the birth anniversary of our very own…
books33August 29, 2020

This was a time when India had newly achieved freedom from the British and was looking for its very own leaders, representatives, and the legislative…
books33August 12, 2020

In an age dominated by digital distractions and fleeting social media interactions, the timeless habit of reading offers a profound refuge. Not only does reading…
books33July 29, 2024

“In the ashes of burnt books, where words once danced and ideas took flight, lie embers of thought, undying, unyielding to the flames of time.…
books33June 19, 2024

Ever heard of a part-time M-O-M? What does that even mean? What can be above being a mother? A feeling so tender, so sacred and…
books33March 7, 2023